/* colors.c * * Chris Rahm (aka: BrainRawt) brainrawt at haxworx.com * www.haxworx.com * * I created colors.c as sort of a reference chart when * I felt the need to manipulate the look and feel of * my font and/or background. It is here on my site for * those others who feel the need for color/etc and either * don't know the escape sequences or can't remember them. * * * * ANSI Escape Sequences: Hi-Lite Font * Underline Font * Color Font * Color Background * */ main(){ printf("\nA small ANSI color chart that can be used to add\n"); printf("color to ones life..\n\n"); printf("-Add color to your cmdline via .bashrc.\n"); printf("-Add color to your terminal/console based programs,\n"); printf(" no matter what language they are programmed/scripted in.\n\n"); printf(" Misc Options\n" "\033[7m Hi-Lite Font = \\033[7m \033[0m\n" "\033[4mUnderLine Font = \\033[4m \033[0m\n" "\033[0mBack To Normal = \\033[0m \033[0m\n\n" " Font Colors\n" "\033[40m\033[1;37m White = \\033[1;37m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;30m Gray = \\033[1;30m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[37m Light Gray = \\033[37m \033[0m\n" "\033[47m\033[30m Black = \\033[30m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[31m Red = \\033[31m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;31m Light Red = \\033[1;31m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[32m Green = \\033[32m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;32m Light Green = \\033[1;32m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[33m Yellow = \\033[33m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;33m Light Yellow = \\033[1;33m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[34m Blue = \\033[34m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;34m Light Blue = \\033[1;34m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[35m Purple = \\033[35m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;35m Pink = \\033[1;35m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[36m Cyan = \\033[36m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[1;36m Light Cyan = \\033[1;36m \033[0m\n" "\033[40m\033[0mBack To Normal = \\033[0m \033[0m\n"); printf("\n BackGround Colors\n" "\033[1;37m\033[40m Black = \\033[40m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[41m Red = \\033[41m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[42m Green = \\033[42m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[43m Yellow = \\033[43m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[44m Blue = \\033[44m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[45m Purple = \\033[45m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[46m Cyan = \\033[46m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[47m Gray = \\033[47m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;30m\033[5;47m White = \\033[5;47m \033[0m\n" "\033[1;37m\033[0mBack To Normal = \\033[0m \033[0m\n\n"); }