{"a" : "but, and", "abonos" : "ebony", "avaj" : "oh", "avgust" : "August", "avet" : "ghost, phantom", "avetinja" : "ghost, phantom", "avlija" : "court, court-yard", "aga" : "aga", "agent" : "agent", "agent" : "commercial-traveller", "agencija" : "agency", "ad" : "hell", "ada" : "island, islet", "advokat" : "advocate, barrister", "adiđar" : "jewel", "administrator" : "administrator, manager", "administracija" : "administration, management", "admiral" : "admiral", "adresa" : "address", "adresovati" : "to address", "ađutant" : "adjutant, aide", "ažija" : "exchange, agio", "azbuka" : "alphabet", "aj" : "oh, ah", "ajvar" : "caviar", "akademija" : "academy", "akademija vojna" : "military academy", "ako" : "if, in case, on condition, when", "iako" : "although, in spite of", "samo ako" : "provided that", "akt" : "act, deed", "akcenat" : "accent", "akcija" : "action", "alat" : "tool, implement", "album" : "album", "ali" : "but", "alkohol" : "alcohol", "aluminijum" : "aluminium", "amam" : "hammam, Turkish bath", "anđeo, andjel" : "angel", "anđeoski" : "angelic", "antikvar" : "antiquary", "apelacija" : "court of appeal", "apetit" : "appetite", "apostol" : "apostle", "apoteka" : "chemist's shop", "apotekar" : "chemist", "april" : "April", "aps" : "gaol, prison, lock-up", "apsandžja" : "gaoler, warder", "apsiti" : "to arrest, seize, imprison", "arhiva" : "archives", "armija" : "army", "arsenal" : "arsenal", "arsenik" : "arsenic", "arterija" : "artery", "artiljerija" : "artillery", "konjska artiljerija" : "horse artillery", "artiljerac" : "artilleryman", "arhijepiskop" : "archbishop", "arhimandrit" : "archimandrite", "aršin" : "ell", "asfalt" : "asphalt", "atlas" : "atlas", "atmosfera" : "atmosphere", "ašov" : "spade, shovel", "baba" : "grandmother, old woman", "babica" : "midwife", "babo" : "papa, father", "baburača" : "toad", "baviti se" : "to stop, stay, dwell", "bagav" : "crippled, maimed", "bagana" : "lamb's skin", "badava" : "free of charge, gratis, in vain", "badnjak" : "Yule log", "badnji dan" : "Christmas Eve", "badnje veče" : "Christmas Eve", "baza" : "base", "bazar" : "bazaar", "bajalac" : "magician", "bajalica" : "witch", "bajonet" : "bayonet", "bakalin" : "grocer", "bakalnica" : "grocer's shop", "bakar" : "copper", "bakaran": "copper", "bakarna" : "copper", "bakarno" : "copper", "baklja" : "torch", "bakšiš" : "gratuity, tip, fee", "bala" : "bale", "balega": "filth, dirt", "balkon" : "balcony", "banka" : "bank, ten dinar note", "bankar" : "banker", "banket" : "banquet", "bankrot" : "bankrupt", "bankrotirati" : "to fail, become bankrupt", "banja" : "thermal bath", "bar" : "at least", "baran" : "ram", "barjak" : "standard, flag, ensign", "barjaktar" : "standard-bearer, ensign", "barka" : "barque, sea boat", "baroka" : "wig", "barometar" : "barometer", "barut" : "gunpowder", "barut bezdimni" : "smokeless powder", "basna" : "fable, tale", "bataljon" : "battalion", "baterija" : "battery", "batina" : "stick, a blow with a stick, hit", "batinati" : "to beat with a stick", "bacati" : "to throw, throw down, away", "bačva" : "tub, vat", "bačvar" : "cooper", "baš" : "exactly, just, precisely", "baš i da" : "although", "baš i kad" : "although", "bašta" : "garden", "baštovan" : "gardener", "beba" : "baby", "beg" : "beg", "bežati" : "to flee, to fly, run away", "begunac" : "fugitive, refucroe", "beda" : "distress, misery, midfortune", "bedan": "miserable, unfortunate, poor", "bedno" : "miserably, poorly", "bezati" : "to flee, to escape", "bez" : "without", "nezakonito" : "illegal", "bezbožinik" : "atheist", "bezbojan" : "colourless", "bezbrižan" : "careless, free of trouble, heedless", "bezbrojan" : "innumerable, countless", "bezvodan" : "waterless, arid", "bezgrešan" : "innocent", "bezdušan" : "unfeeling, heartless", "bezimen" : "nameless, anonymous", "bezobrazan" : "impudent, insolent, impertinent, rude", "bezobraznost" : "impudence, rudeness", "bezuman" : "absurd, senseless", "bezumlje" : "nonsense, absurdity", "bezuspešan -dna, -sno" : "unsuccessful", "belara" : "laundress", "beležnica" : "note-book", "beliti" : "to whiten", "belo žito" : "corn, cereals", "bengalska vatra" : "Bengal lights", "beo, bela, belo" : "white", "bepka" : "doll, baby", "bepče" : "doll, baby", "berba" : "vintage, harvest", "berberin" : "barber, hairdresser", "berbernica" : "barbers shop", "berza" : "stock exchange", "bes" : "rage, fury hydrophobia", "besan" : "furious, violent", "beskućnik" : "tramp, vagabond", "besmrtan" : "immortal", "besmislen" : "senseless, absurd, stupid", "besplatan" : "gratuitous, free of charge", "besplatno" : "gratia", "besposlen" : "idle, leisured", "besraman" : "shameless, unashamed", "bećar" : "bachelor", "bečka" : "small barrel, keg, cask", "beščašće" : "dishonour, infamy", "beščastan" : "dishonourable, infamous", "biber" : "pepper", "biblija" : "Bible", "biblioteka" : "library", "bibliotekar" : "librarian", "bivo" : "buffalo", "bik" : "bull", "bilijar" : "billiard-table", "igrati bilijar" : "to play billiards", "bilion" : "billion", "bilo" : "pulse", "biljega" : "postage stamp", "biralište" : "polling booth", "biranje" : "election", "birati" : "to choose, elect", "birač" : "elector", "biser" : "pearl", "biskup" : "bishop", "bistar" : "clear, pure", "biti" : "to be, exist", "kako ste?" : "How are you?", "biti (bijem)": "to beat, to strike, hit", "biti se (bijem se)": "to fight", "bitka" : "battle, combat, conflict", "biće" : "being, existence", "bič" : "whip, riding whip, scourge", "blagajnica" : "treasury, cash-office", "blagdan" : "festival", "blago" : "treasure, riches", "blago meni" : "what luck!", "Blagovest" : "The Annunciation, Lady Day", "Blagovestenje" : "The Annunciation, Lady Day", "blagodaran" : "thankful, grateful", "blagodarenje" : "Te Deum", "blagodariti" : "to thank", "blagodarnost" : "gratitude, thankfulness", "blagodušan" : "kind, kind-hearted", "blagorodan" : "noble, illustrious", "blagoslov" : "blessing", "blagosloviti" : "to bless", "blagost" : "kindness, clemency", "blagcostinja" : "charity, goodness", "blaženi" : "the late (of dead people)", "blaženi kralj" : "the late king", "blatan" : "muddy", "blato" : "mud", "bled" : "pale, pallid", "bledeti" : "to become pale", "bledost" : "bledoća : paleness, pallor", "bliže" : "nearer", "bližiti se" : "to approach, draw near", "bližnji" : "the next, neighbouring", "blizak" : "near, close by, at hand", "blizanac" : "twin-brother", "blizanci" : "twins", "bliznakinja" : "twin sister", "blizu" : "near, nearby", "sasvim blizu" : "quite near", "blistav" : "brilliant, splendid", "blitva" : "beetroot", "bičevati" : "to whip, flagellate", "bludnica" : "prostitute", "bludan" : "debauched, lewd", "blag" : "amiable, sweet, kind", "blagajnik" : "paymaster, cashier, treasurer", "bluza": "tunic, blouse", "bljuvati" : "to be sick, vomit", "bljutav" : "nasty, nauseous", "bob" : "bean, berry", "bobica" : "berry, grain", "bobuk" : "bubble, blister", "Bog" : "God", "bogat" : "rich, opulent", "bogata" : "a rich man", "bogatstvo" : "riches, fortune, abundance", "boginja" : "goddess", "boginje" : "smallpox", "Bogojavljenje" : "Epiphany, Twelfth Night", "Bogorodica" : "The Virgin Mary", "bogoslovlje" : "theology", "bogoslovija" : "seminary", "bod" : "prick, spike", "bodljikava svinja" : "porcupine", "božanstvo" : "divinity", "Božić" : "Christmas", "boj" : "battle, combat", "boja" : "colour, complexion", "bojazan" : "timid, frightened", "boj" : "war", "bojni": "warlike, bellicose", "bojati se" : "to fear, be afraid", "borac" : "warrior, combatant", "bojadžija" : "dyer", "bojiti" : "to dye, colour", "bojište" : "battle-field", "bojnik" : "warrior, combatant", "bojse" : "perhaps", "bok" : "side, flank", "bokal" : "jar, goblet", "bokva, bokvica" : "plane-tree", "bol" : "pain, grief, affliction", "bolan": "ill, suffering, sick", "bolesnik" : "ill person, invalid patient", "bolest" : "illness, malady, complaint", "bolestan" : "ill, sick", "boleti" : "to hurt, pain, ache;", "glava me boli" : "my head aches", "bolnica" : "hospital, infirmary", "bolničar, bolniearka" : "hospital, nurse", "bolovati" : "to get ill, to bo ill, sicken", "bolje" : "better", "ili bolje" : "or rather", "tim bolje" : "so much the better", "bolje mu je" : "he is better", "bolji" : "better", "najbolji" : "the best", "bor" : "pine-tree", "bora" : "fold, pleat", "boranija" : "French beans", "borba" : "fight, combat, struggle, battle", "borik" : "pine forest", "boriti se" : "to fight", "borov" : "pine-wood", "borovica" : "juniper", "bos" : "bare-footed", "bosiljak" : "sweat basil", "bostan" : "melon bed", "botelja, boca" : "bottle", "bocati, bockati" : "to prick", "bočiti se" : "to quarrel", "brav" : "sheep", "brava" : "lock", "bravar" : "locksmith", "brada" : "beard, chin", "bradat" : "bearded", "bradavica" : "mole, wart, nipple", "bradva" : "axe", "brazda" : "furrow, ray", "brak" : "marriage", "brakolomstvo" : "adultery", "brana" : "harrow", "branik" : "rampart, defence works", "branilac" : "branitelj, defender, protector", "braniti" : "to defend, protect", "braniti se od" : "to defend oneself from", "brat" : "brother", "brat od strica, ujaka, tetke" : "cousin", "bratanac": "nephew", "bratanica": "niece", "bratski" : "fraternal, brotherly", "broj" : "number, numeral", "bratstvo" : "fraternity, brotherhood", "brojati" : "to count, reckon, enumerate", "Brašančevo" : "Corpus Christ", "bronza" : "bronzs", "brašnar" : "flour merchant, corn", "brus" : "grind-stone", "brusar" : "knife-grinder", "brašno" : "flour", "brvno" : "beam of wood", "brdo" : "mountain", "uzbrdo" : "uphill", "nizbrdo" : "downhill", "brdski" : "mountainous", "brđanin" : "mountaineer", "breg" : "hill", "breza" : "birch tree", "breme" : "burden, load", "breskva" : "peach", "brest" : "elm tree", "brzo" : "quicker", "brže bolje" : "as quick as possible", "brz" : "quick, rapid, prompt", "brzina" : "rapidity, velocity, quickness", "brzo" : "quickly, quick, soon", "brzovoz" : "express train", "brzojav" : "telegram", "briga" : "trouble, worry, anxiety", "brižan" : "anxious, worried", "brižljiv" : "careful, attentive, fussy", "injekcija" : "syringe", "brizgati" : "to inject", "brijati se" : "to shave oneself", "brijač" : "razor", "brinuti se" : "to trouble, take pains, worry about", "brisati" : "to efface, rub out, wash out", "britva" : "pocket-knife", "brica" : "barber", "brk" : "moustache", "bršljan" : "ivy", "buba" : "insect, vermin", "svilena buba" : "silkworm", "bubanj" : "drum", "bubnjar" : "drummer", "bubreg" : "kidney", "bubuljica" : "spot, pimple", "buva" : "flea", "bud" : "when, although", "budak" : "pickaxe", "trnokop" : "pickaxe", "budala" : "fool, idiot, madman", "budalast": "foolish, stupid", "budan" : "awake, vigilant", "buditi" : "to wake, awaken", "buditi se" : "to wake up", "budilnik" : "alarm-clock, alarum", "budući" : "future, coming", "ubuduće" : "in the future", "budućnost" : "future", "buđ" : "mouldiness", "buđav" : "mouldy", "bujad" : "fern", "buka" : "tumult, noise", "bukva" : "beech tree", "bukvar" : "alphabet", "buktinja" : "torch", "bula" : "Turkish woman", "bulka" : "poppy", "buljina": "owl, screech-owl", "buna" : "insurrection, revolt, rising", "bunar" : "well", "bunda" : "fur-coat", "buniti" : "to revolt", "bura" : "storm, tempest, hurricane", "bure" : "barrel, tub, vat", "buriti" : "to piss, make water", "bus" : "turf", "brljav" : "dirty, stupid", "berza" : "stock exchange", "brodan" : "fordable", "busija" : "ambush", "broditi" : "to ford, to sail but", "butina" : "leg (of mutton)", "brod" : "vessel, ship, boat", "buha" : "flea", "brodar" : "boatman, mariner", "budža" : "club (weapon)", "brodolom" : "shipwreck", "budžet" : "budget"}