sql = << 0 GROUP BY SPO.SPOPO ) AS ZeroQry ON PO.IDPO = ZeroQry.SPOPO ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SPO.SPOPO FROM SPO WHERE SPO.UnPri Is Null AND SPO.SPOPart Not Like '8 * ' AND SPO.SPB > 0 GROUP BY SPO.SPOPO ) AS TBAQry ON PO.IDPO = TBAQry.SPOPO) LEFT JOIN SPO ON PO.IDPO = SPO.SPOPO) ON Customer.CustomerID = PO.POVen) LEFT JOIN tblTerms ON PO.STerms = tblTerms.Terms GROUP BY Customer.Customer, PO.MRPVis, PO.OrderNo, PO.PODue, Customer.Phone, tblTerms.Description, PO.POSta, PO.POMemo, TempCus.CustID, PO.POTot, PO.PORem, PO.PODate, ZeroQry.SPOPO, TBAQry.SPOPO, PO.VouSta EOSQL; $this->title = 'PO OVERVIEW REPORT'; $this->detail_height = 18; $this->detail = << {Customer}
EOD; $this->report_header_height = 52; $this->report_header = << {title}
EORH; $this->report_footer_height = 49; $this->report_footer = << {=Sum([POTot])}
{gray_background} Total Value
{gray_background} Total Received
EORF; $this->page_header_height = 18; $this->page_header = << {gray_background} Vendor
{gray_background} PO #
{gray_background} Received
{gray_background} Due Date
{gray_background} Vendor Phone
{gray_background} PO Value
{gray_background} Memo
{gray_background} Entry Date
EOPH; $this->page_footer_height = 23; $this->page_footer = << {date_printed}
EOPF; $this->style = <<access_source_code= <<