(Below 1) is the backwards way I run just the drivers as a small amp (I hate to waste good outputs ) PS - see the burnt 22R resistors , I had a C-E solder bridge on one of the drivers and this amp did not blow up !! even burnt .. they still read 22R ... so I used them anyways .. (below 2) is the nice 40 p-p (10v/div) squarewave that those drivers put out into 22R loads fed back to NFB. (Below 3) is the new (and final) AX module. I switched my CRO to 1uS/div and the SW rises all 40 V in half a division (70-80 V/uS slew estimate). (below 4) is offset with the trimmer at 2 O' clock , I get 25mV only by "mistuning" ... I have NO idea how the goldmund clone or any other amp can't get 5-10 mV right off the bat (first try ???). (below 5) is the offset (what offset ?) at real close to 12 O'clock , perfect as it should be. Input pair CCS is 7 volts across 2200R (3.18mA total -1.59mA each) VAS CCS is 605mV across a 100R (6.05mA) Perfectly predicted by LT. Slew rate is more than LT predicted .