LIMITATION OF THIS CRACK FOR ARTCAM 2009: With this crack you cannot open .art files (version 10) which were created (saved) by the original non-cracked ArtCAM 2009 software and vice versa. But you can open all .art files that you have saved with this crack. You can further open all .art and .rlf files of older versions (version 9), this includes ArtCAM 2008 files. This limitation is due to the fact that the blowfish key generation algorithm for ArtCam 2009 is unknown until now. When an ArtCam .art file is saved, two 16 bytes long keys for blowfish encryption are generated and the file is encrypted. This keys are saved in the .art file, and when this file is opend again, its content is decrypted with the 2 keys. But the 2 keys are not the true keys for the blowfish en(de)cryption algorithm. The true key is derived from the first one through a one-way function. This function converts a DWORD value into a differen DWORD value and it is very difficult (if not impossible) to reconstruct this function in code. It seems that this one-way function has been put on the USB-Dongle in ArtCam 2009 and is computed by the microprocessor on the dongle. WINDOWS VISTA: This crack may not work on Windows Vista. You can start the flexlm license manager through "lmgrd restart.bat" and it will run, but if you start ArtCam 2009, it will not connect to Flexlm Server and will always ask for a dongle. This is due to the fact that Flexlm 7.0 was developed long before Windows Vista was released. HINT: This crack can be used for all Delcam Software: Artcam, Powermill, FeatureCam, ... Maybe it also works for all Service Packs of ArtCam 2008 INSTALLATION: 1. Create an environment variable DELCAM_LICENSE_FILE with value 22222@yourhostname Replace "yourhostname" with the name of your computer 22222 is the port number, which must be the same as in licsense file "delcam.lic", you can choose any value between 1024 and 65536, but change the value at the two places 2. Create an empty folder C:\flexlm if there is not already such a folder 3. You can start the license manager either manually or create a windows service for automatic start at computer-startup 4. To start the license server manually, run "lmgrd restart.bat", this starts lmgrd.exe which in turn starts delcam.exe This batch file can be executed multiple times because it kills the running lmgrd.exe and delcam.exe before restarting them. To kill the Flexlm license manager run "lmgrd stop.bat" 5. To start the license server automatically at computer-startup, create a windows service with "lmtools.exe": Start lmtools.exe, select tab "Service/License File", select radio button "Configuration using Services", go to tab "Configure Services" and fill in this form like in the picture "lmtools.gif": In the field "Service Name" type in a name for the service of your choice In the next three fields fill in the full paths to the corresponding files where you have copied this crack directory Check "Start Server at Power Up" and "Use Services" Press button "Save Services" Now the service is created and you can see it listed in the windows services management console If you want to change the service, first press button "Remove Service" then change the text boxes and then again press button "Save Service". 6. If Artcam crashes, read the infos at the bottom of this file 7. "license files\artcam 2009 only.lic" is a license file for ArtCam 2009 only If you want to use it then replace "delcam.lic" with this file and restart the license manager 8. To turn on logging of vendor daemon "delcam.exe", create an empty text file with name "delcam.txt" or "delcam notime.txt" (If you do not want time infos to be logged) in the crack folder If logging is enabled, the messages are written to a log file with name "log delcam.txt" You can delete this log file at any time, because it is created when the next log entry is written To disable logging, remove "delcam.txt" or rename it and restart the License Manager 9. Do not move ACQ.DLL, this file must stay in the crack folder The Flexlm license manager must be started befor Artcam 2009 or any Delcam Sofware can be used. ADDING FEATURES TO LICENSE FILE: If a feature is missing in the license file "delcam.lic" you can add it To find missing features first look at file log.txt If you find lines for example like this: 10:51:33 (delcam) UNSUPPORTED: "ARTCAM-BASBITMAPS" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Username@Host (License server does not support this feature (-18,327)) then the feature ARTCAM-BASBITMAPS is not available Open delcam.lic Copy and paste an existing FEATURE-line and change the feature-name to ARTCAM-BASBITMAPS Next run "lmcrypt.bat" to recalculate the key for the added feature line Restart license manager with "lmgrd restart.bat" Check the log file "log.txt" for lines like this: 9:13:30 (delcam) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code) 9:13:30 (delcam) ==>FEATURE ARTCAM-ENTBITMAPS delcam 2009.120 permanent 50 \ If you find any one of them, then run "lmcrypt.bat" to recalulate the keys and then restart the license manager LOGGING COMMUNICATION MESSAGES OF ARTCAM WITH VENDOR DAEMON delcam.exe: Artcam sends heartbeat messages to delcam.exe within an intervall of about 3 minutes If delcam.exe does not respond (for example if you have stopped the license manager) you get an message box in Artcam, which warns you that the license manager is not running. After 3 message boxes artcam exits automatically. This ensures that delcam.exe is running even after checking out of the features If you open "log delcam.txt" you see lines like this: 07:37:24 <--- time when log is written ?08?E84B1731 <-- key that delcam.exe has received ?08?FF0DC518 <-- key that delcam.exe has sent The example above is a DWORD, 8 HEX-characters long If Artcam crashes then look for the last line in "log delcam.txt"