Tekst na engleskom je prenesen u izvornom obliku sa: http://en.opensuse.org/NVIDIA Komentari koji su na srpskom/hrvatskom/bosnjackom su moji, a nije zgoreg ni njih procitati. THE HARD WAY This is for those that want to have the latest NVIDIA drivers, and are not afraid to recompile driver after each kernel update. Or have updated your kernel from the DVD default version. PREREQUISITES: -compiler gcc, -program make, -package kernel-source If you don't have them installed you can do it using YaST. --Specific instructions for installing kernel-source-- Login to Console and type: "su", enter your root password, then, "yast". Under software, go into Software Management, and Press F2 (Search). Search "kernel-source". Select the module and press enter. There will now be a "+" in front of it. Press F10. It'll install. Press F9 a few times to exit Yast. Ovo se moze i bez konzole, jednostavno idite u yast u grafickom rezimu i tamo instalirajte. DOWNLOAD NVIDIA DRIVERS First of all, if you tried using the script then you can find the NVIDIA installer package in /usr/share/doc/nvidia If the installer package is not there go to NVIDIA Download Page, and get the latest drivers for your computer. NVIDIA Download Page se nalazi na adresi: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html Na mom laptopu graficka kartica se prikazuje kao NVIDIA MCP67M, a to je valjda neki GeForce 7150M, pa sam ja od ponudjenih drajvera skinuo "Latest version: 177.80" iz grupe drajvera za "Linux AMD64/EM64T", jer je na mom laptopu AMD Turion 64x2. Downloadovani fajl se zove "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.80-pkg2.run" INSTAL THE DRIVERS If you are in runlevel 5, go to runlevel 3 by typing the following comand as root in one of the consoles (which you can access by pressing ctrl-alt-f1 [f1 up to f6]) init 3 Now go to the directory containing the drivers. cd /usr/share/doc/nvidia or cd /the/path/where/you/saved/the/drivers/from/nvidia/website Now simply type the following and follow instructions sh NVIDIA-Linux----.run -q Ako niste vicni kretanju po direktorijumima i kopiranju fajlova iz komandne linije sve se to moze prethodno uraditi u grafickom rezimu koristeci neki od file-managera. Ja sam prvo taj drajver tako smjestio u potreban direktorijum (/usr/share/doc/nvidia) i kad sam tamo otvorio konzolu, vec sam automatski bio pozicioniran tamo. VAZNA NAPOMENA: dio uputstva koji je pisan na engleskom jeziku je u orginalu prenesen u ovaj text, pa tako i gornja komanda "sh NVIDIA-Linux----.run -q" medjutim, ta komanda meni nije radila (javlja se poruka da ne radi) u tom obliku, a proradila je tek kad sam iz nje izostavio ono "-q" na kraju. Prema tome, komanda koja je kod mene radila je: sh NVIDIA-Linux----.run medjutim, nemojte je bas bukvalno tako prepisati, ove parametre treba zamjeniti sa stvarnim, pa tako dobijamo: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.80-pkg2.run , naravno ako ste downloadowali neki drugi fajl onda stavite njegovo ime. Ako se vec nalazite u tom folderu gdje je i fajl kucajte komandu dir koja ce vam izlistati sadrzaj tog foldera pa cete tacno vidjeti ime fajla. Dalje slijedite instrukcije sa ekrana i sve ce biti gotovo za manje od 2 minuta. CONFIGURE X.org Note: This does not seem to be required for v177.68 on opensuse 11.0 as it is done in the installer. The next step is to configure the X.org to use the new nvidia drivers. To do this, type the following sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia Sax2 will start it's configuration program in X. You can do more tweaking here, but this is your option. With 10.0 you won't need to specify -m 0=nvidia any more, sax automatically detects and uses it if you activate 3D acceleration. Iako ovdje pise da ovo nije potrebno uraditi u opensuse 11 ja sam uradio i konfigurisao rezoluciju na 1280x800. Poslije toga kucate u konzoli "startx" i dize se graficki rezim.